Tartu korraldab

Seto Winter Festival with Nedsaja Küla Bänd


18.00 - 19.30


Raekoja plats
Raekoja plats, Tartu, Eesti



Setomaa is a region in Southern Estonia known for its vibrant traditional culture, where holidays are celebrated according to the old calendar.

While Christmas is celebrated in December in the rest of Estonia, in Setomaa, the birth of Christ is celebrated in January, and the holiday is called talsid. The traditions surrounding talsid are rich and quite different from the Christmas customs in the rest of Estonia.

We invite everyone to join the Seto people in the Christmas Town on the second Christmas day to partake in the “talsipühad” celebration. Together, with traditional leelo singing, music, and dancing, we will officially close the holiday season and mark the end of the Tartu Christmas City.

Seto leelo choirs from the Tartu region and several leelo singers from Setomaa will gather in the Christmas City to sing, dance, and celebrate the talsipidu. Nedsaja Küla Bänd will provide the music for the dancing.

On the last evening of the Christmas City, speeches will be made by the Setomaa Elders’ representative, Urmo Uiboleht, and Tartu’s Mayor, Urmas Klaas.

The celebration will be hosted by Jane Vabarna.


Tiigi Seltsimaja / Ragnar Konson
[email protected]