The construction of the Tartu Christmas City pavilions was supported by Giga Investeeringud, Haapsalu Uksetehas, Lemeks Grupp, Palmako, Ehitustrust, and the City of Tartu. The pavilions were built using Proplastik’s PC polycarbonate.
Key partners in building this year’s Christmas City area were Viskon Ehitus, Isekallur, and Aryvar Auto Transport.
Lighting for the pavilions was provided by Prass Valgus, with lighting design assistance from Kristjan Suits.
The chandelier received a fresh look from Pulmalill.
The pavilions were furnished by Tartu Observatory, SPARKUP Tartu Science Park, Pallas University of Applied Sciences, the Architecture School, and Tartu 2024.
Food and drinks in the café pavilions were provided by Ajaviit OÜ, N58 OÜ, and Risana OÜ.
The program was created with the help of Tartu Youth Work Center, the vinyl record store, the bookstore Biblioteek, Tartu Nature House, vocal studios Tähe Viis and Fa-diees, Seto choirs Tsibihärbläseq, Liinatsurq, Ilolang, and Kullakõsõ, the Estonian-Ukrainian singing group Nadiia, the South Estonia Water Rescue Dog group “Märjad Käpad,” Tartu Food Sharing, the motorcycle club Sõltumatud Päkapikud, Mariine Auto, Latin Passion, Lottemaa Theme Park, the Finnish Institute in Estonia, and all pavilion contributors.
The partner for the ice rink at Town Hall Square is Giga Investeeringud.
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Tiigi 11
51003 Tartu
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